Welcome to the New Adventures in Cub Scouting
CUB SCOUT BADGES OF RANK AND REQUIREMENTS: The Bobcat Adventure is designed to be the first Adventure. Each badge of rank is earned by completing six required and two elective Adventures. The six required Adventures are focused on the aims and focus area of the Boy Scouts of America.

A Whole Lot of Cub Scout Electives to Choose From
- Build it up, Knock it down
- Champions for Nature Lion
- Count on Me
- Everyday Tech
- Gismos & Gadgets
- Go Fish
- I’ll Do It Myself
- Let’s Camp Lion
- On a Roll
- On Your Mark
- Pick My Patch
- Race Time Lion
- Ready, Set, Grow
- Time to Swim
- Champions Fo Nature Tiger
- Curiosity, Intrique & Magical Mysteries
- Design by Tiger
- Fish On
- Floats & Boats
- Good Knights
- Let’s Camp Tiger
- Race Time Tiger
- Rolling Tigers
- Safe & Smart
- Sky is the Limit
- Stories & Shapes
- Summertime Fun Tiger
- Teach all Around
- Tiger Tag
- Tiger-iffic!
- Tigers in the Water
- A Wolf Goes Fishing
- Adventures in Coin
- Air of the Wolf
- Champions for Nature Wolf
- Code of the Wolf
- Computing Wolves
- Cubs Who Care
- Digging in the past
- Finding Your Way
- Germs Alive!
- Let’s Camp Wolf
- Paws for Water
- Paws for Kill
- Pedal with the Pack
- Race Time Wolf
- Spirit of the Water
- Summertime Fun Wolf
- A Bear Goes Fishing
- Balancing Bears
- Baloo the Builder
- Bears Afloat
- Bears on Bikes
- Champions of Nature Bear
- Chef Tech
- Critter Care
- Forensics
- Let’s Camp Bear
- Marble Madness
- Race Time Bear
- Roaring Laughter
- Salmon Run
- Summertime Fun Bear
- Super Science
- Whittling
- Aquanaut
- Art Explosion
- Aware & Care
- Build It
- Catch the Big One
- Champions for Nature Webelos
- Chef’s Knife
- Earth Rocks
- Let’s Camp Webelos
- Math on the Trail
- Modular Design
- Paddle Onward
- Pedal Away
- Race Time Webelos
- Summertime Fun Webelos
- Tech on the Trail
- Yo-Yo
- Champions For Nature AOL
- Cycling
- Engineer
- Estimations
- Fishing
- High Tech Outdoors
- Into the Wild
- Into the Woods
- Knife Safety
- Paddle Craft
- Race Time AOL
- Summertime Fun AOL
- Swimming
LEADERS - Connect to Valuable Cub Scout Resources
As you click on the above links it will open up a page full of helpful tools and details on each of the Cub Scout Adventures. Various links on the page are there to help leaders prepare for future den meetings. Also, there is a print option for each adventure.

New Cub Scout Welcome Kit- Free Recruiter Strip Emblem Process
ALL new Cub Scouts who register via BeAScout from August 1 – October 31, 2024 will receive a special Welcome Kit in the mail (excluding APO/FPO addresses) shortly after completing registration.
This Welcome Kit contains a car magnet, One sticker (for a water bottle), one Scout Life mini magazine, and a Peer to Peer Recruiting Welcome Kit that provides details on how to recruit a friend into Cub Scout and earn a FREE Recruiter Strip Emblem at any Scout Shop.
RECRUITER STRIP REDEMPTION: To earn this strip, any Scout who recruits a friends into the program can complete the information on the backside of the card and take it to their nearest Scout Shop for immediate redemption of the Recruiter strip.
- The Scout shop is to review the postcard for completeness (all fields must be completed),save it with their daily records, then provide the Recruiter Strip emblem immediately to the Scout FREE OF CHARGE from store inventory.

Uniform Sale

Save 20%
On Matching Uniform Bottoms with Purchase of a Uniform Top
Selections and quantities may vary online and in-store. Offer valid at participating Scout Shops on select merchandise and while supplies last. Offer valid from July 29,2024 thru November 3, 2024. Not valid on previous purchases or wholesales orders. May not be combined with any other offer and cannot be redeemed as cash. Uniform top and bottom must be from the same program and purchased together.

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