Gamehaven Council wants every young person to have the opportunity to fully participate in the Scouting program and has financial support available for those who otherwise could not attend.
The leaders of our Packs and Troops are in the best position to have knowledge of Scouts and families in the Units who are most in need of assistance. By working through the Cubmaster or Scoutmaster, this will help identify any needs more accurately and readily. This practice is not meant however to exclude parents or other leaders from directly applying for financial assistance if requirements are met.
Camperships will be available on a first-come, first serve basis. Depending on our limited funds, not all requests in a year may be filled. Requests for needs-based assistance will be honored only when the Scout and his parents fill out the form on this page.
Submit completed applications directly to the Scout Service Center at: 607 E Center St. Rochester, MN or email to Pamela Legried
For questions or information contact the Pam Legried (Registrar) at (507) 361-5341.
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