Quick reminder as we move into the summer – I’m finding more and more trash littered around camp. It might seem to grow on trees here, but please make sure to pick up trash if you see it. If we all take these 15-second delays, it’ll help us really beautify the property. Thanks!
Author: Brady Geary
June Priority Projects
Our service staff have been hard at work putting camp together for a great summer! We have the pool cleaned and paint touched up, Deer Lodge has a new door and some replaced siding, the water system is ready for inspection, the poolhouse is clean, and much more. For June, our priority is maintaining camp […]
Camp Service Standards
Service Standards are a way of describing, in simple language, the focuses that we approach all of our service from. They are designed to apply to every aspect of an organization, from customer service to facilities management. They also describe the order of operations – the first standard must be met before others are considered. […]
June Safety Moment: Tickborne Diseases
There are about a dozen different tick types in Minnesota. While some are mostly harmless, most carry some form of disease, including the most common – Lyme’s Disease. What is a tickborne disease? People can get a tickborne disease when they are bitten by a tick that is infected with a disease agent. In Minnesota, […]