Remember: All campmaster shifts can be seen on the Google Calendar, which is updated weekly. Email Brady Geary for access to the calendar.

Summer is here, and that means groups are booking camp like it’s candy! Which is great for us, but also means there isn’t a lot of notice before groups sometimes. Stay tuned as this list has changed almost weekly:
- JUNE 14-16: Troop 54
- JUNE 22: OA Summerfest
- JUNE 26-28: Church of Latter-Day Saints
- JUNE 28-30: Multiple Groups
- JULY 1-2: Troop 21 of Georgia
- JULY 26: NYLT Check-Out
- AUGUST 16-18: Narcotics Anonymous Group
- AUGUST 23-25: OA Blue Ox Games
- SEPTEMBER 20-22: Minnesota Cycling Association
- OCTOBER 4-6: OA Fall Mawenemen