Adventure Programs in Rochester, MN

What is "Adventure"?

We define adventure as the following:

"The process of subjecting oneself to controlled risks in order to achieve a positive outcome."

This can take many forms:

  • A young family’s first night in a tent
    • RISK: Bears could eat the whole family
    • REWARD: After a harrowing night of bear-avoidance, they grew closer together as a familial unit
  • A group of coworkers participating in intense trust-building exercises
    • RISK: Trust could be broken and a short fall could occur or emotional vulnerability taken advantage of
    • REWARD: Group bonding and closeness
  • Elementary students learning about the natural world around them
    • RISK: All of the class could get poison ivy
    • REWARD: The students come to greater appreciation of nature and the beauty of being outside
  • High school students forming bonds through low-ropes team building challenges
    • RISK: Falling off of an element 1-2 feet off of the ground… or worse, they could miss a text from their friends!
    • REWARD: They form team bonds and friendships that last far after their phone battery dies


As participants going through this adventure together, we agree to hold the following group rules in mind:

1. Feedback is a gift that we will give and receive with grace

2. Our team leader's instructions are to protect us

3. We will respect identities that are different than our own

4. We agree to share our group's goals

5. No two people share the same boundaries

On-Site Adventure Programs

Challenge Course

Coming Soon!

Range Activities

Nature Studies

Family Camping

Wilderness Survival

Team Building

Off-Site Adventure Programs

For Schools

For Organizations

For Families